Saints and Stones: Bangor

The origins of the city date back to the founding of a monastery by St. Deiniol in the 6th Century A.D., more than 70 years before Canterbury. St. Deiniol is said to have been consecrated as a bishop by St. David, making him the first Bishop of Bangor.

The present Bangor Cathedral is dedicated to St. Deiniol and is said to be on the site where his first monastery stood.

The present cathedral is a somewhat more recent building and has been extensively modified throughout the centuries. While the building itself is not the oldest, and certainly not the biggest, the bishopric of Bangor is one of the oldest in Britain. Nothing of the original building survives.

About Bangor

Wikipedia: Bangor Cathedral
Wikipedia: Deiniol

Journey to Bangor

Bangor Cathedral is located in the center of the city of Bangor, which is located in North Wales near the Menai Strait.

Ordnance Survey Map (SH5799472101)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Bangor Cathedral may be found at the The Church in Wales St. Deiniol, Bangor website. General tourist information for the area may be found on the North Wales Tourism website.

Additional Photos of Bangor

Bell Tower Entrance to Bangor Cathedral
External View of the South Aisle, Crossing, and Lady Chapel, Bangor Cathedral
External View of Lady Chapel, Bangor Cathedral
South Aisle Windows, Bangor Cathedral
Top of Bell Tower from the South, Bangor Cathedral
Icon of St.Deiniol Inside Bangor Cathedral
Ceiling, Bangor Cathedral
Floor Tiles, Bangor Cathedral
Statue of St.Deiniol Inside Bangor Cathedral
Carving, Bangor Cathedral
Stained-Glass Window Featuring Welsh Sts. Dyfrig, Deiniol, and Beuno, Bangor Cathedral

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