Saints and Stones: Elgin Cathedral

The first church on this site dates back to the 1200s, a cross-shaped building much smaller than the ruins on view today. This was enlarged later in the same century, possibly following a fire. The result was a building some 280 feet in length, taller than the original and with a new choir and an octagonal chapter house. After St. Andrews this was the second largest cathedral in Scotland.

The destruction of the church in 1390 was followed by a programme of repair and reconstruction that lasted intermittently through the following two hundred years. Further work was needed following the collapse of the central tower in 1506, and the west front and chapter house received facelifts at around the same time.

Sadly, the Lantern of the North, as Elgin Cathedral is still affectionately known, fell victim to the Reformation of 1560. The mass and the Pope's authority over the Scottish church were rejected and though many cathedrals survived in use as parish churches, in Elgin the congregation simply moved to the parish church of St. Giles in the town.

About Elgin Cathedral

Undiscovered Scotland: Elgin Cathedral
Wikipedia: Elgin Cathedral

Journey to Elgin Cathedral

Elgin Cathedral is located in the town of Elgin off of the A96 in Moray, Scotland.

Ordnance Survey Map (NJ222630)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Elgin Cathedral may be found at the Historic Scotland website. General tourist information is at the Moray Speyside Tourism website.

Additional Photos of Elgin Cathedral

Descriptive Sign at Elgin Cathedral
Towers of West Front of Elgin Cathedral
The Great West Doorway, Elgin Cathedral
The Interior from the Nave, Elgin Cathedral
Interior of East Wall, Elgin Cathedral
Interior of East Wall, Elgin Cathedral
Choir Aisle Windows, Elgin Cathedral
Arch, Elgin Cathedral
Choir Aisle and East Front, Elgin Cathedral
Tomb Recesses, Elgin Cathedral
Effigy of Bishop, Elgin Cathedral
Effigy of Bishops, Elgin Cathedral
Pictish Cross-Slab Showing Hunting Scene and Symbols, Elgin Cathedral
Pictish Cross Slab Showing Cross and Evangelists, Elgin Cathedral
Face of Evangelist on Pictish Cross Slab, Elgin Cathedral,
The Chapter House, Elgin Cathedral
The East Front, Elgin Cathedral
Wording on Tower Steps, Elgin Cathedral
View from Tower, Elgin Cathedral

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