Saints and Stones: Gallarus Oratory (Seipeilin Ghallarais)

The Gallarus Oratory is an early Christian church located on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry. Estimates of its age vary. Though the building is believed to have been built between the 7th Century and 9th Century, some believe it could have been built as late as the 12th Century because of the Romanesque-style window on its eastern wall.

Shaped like an upturned boat, this remarkably well-preserved building is built entirely without mortar and uses corbel vaulting, a technique developed by Neolithic tomb-makers. It is built with the stones being laid at a slight angle, lower on the outside than on the inside, allowing rainwater to run off. There is only one small window in the building, directly opposite the entrance. According to one observer, the sandstone walls are almost 4 feet thick, and the oratory measures 15-1/4 feet by 10-1/5 feet.

Located outside of the building is a cross slab, inscribed with a cross inside a circle. The lower part has the following inscription: "COLUM MAC DINET."

About the Gallarus Oratory (Seipeilin Ghallarais)

Heritage Ireland: Gallarus Oratory
Wikipedia: Gallarus Oratory
Irish Antiquities: Gallarus Oratory
Megalithomania: Gallarus Oratory
Megalithic Ireland: Gallarus Oratory
Ecclesiastical Ireland: Gallarus, Co. Kerry

Journey to the Gallarus Oratory (Seipeilin Ghallarais)

The Gallarus Oratory is located on the Dingle Peninsula near Ballyferriter off the R559 in County Kerry, Ireland.

Map Reference: Q395048

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Dingle Peninsula website.

Additional Photos of the Gallarus Oratory (Seipeilin Ghallarais)

Road Sign for Gallarus Oratory
Approaching Gallarus Oratory
Gallarus Oratory 2002
Gallarus Oratory 2008
Side of Gallarus Oratory
Exterior Window, Gallarus Oratory
Lintelled Entrance to Gallarus Oratory
Interior Window, Gallarus Oratory
Cross Slab Near Gallarus Oratory

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