Saints and Stones: Killinaboy Church

Much of the ruined Killinaboy Church dates from the 15th and 16th Centuries, but its decorative features and masonry styles indicate that parts of it may be two to three centuries earlier.

Interesting and unique features are the large double-armed cross designed into the stone of the west gable, the Sheela-na-Gig at the church entrance, and the imaginary carved animal set into the wall near the doorway.

In addition, to the north of the church is the stump of a round tower that dates from the 11th or 12th Century.

About Killinaboy Church

Irish Antiquities: Kilnaboy Church
Clare County Library: Early Churches of the Burren
Irish Round Towers: Killinaboy
Wikipedia: Irish Round Towers

Journey to Killinaboy Church

Killinaboy Church is located on the R476 near the village of Killinaboy between the towns of Corofin and Kilfenora in County Clare, Ireland.

Map Reference: R271916

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Ireland Midwest Online website.

Additional Photos of Killinaboy Church

Killinaboy Church
Double-Armed Cross on West Cable of Killinaboy Church
Sheela-na-Gig above Killinaboy Church Doorway
Interior of Killinaboy Church
Interior of Killinaboy Church
Gravestone in Killinaboy Church
Close-Up of Gravestone in Killinaboy Church
Ivy-Covered Interior Wall in Killinaboy Church
Carved Animal Representation Near Doorway in Killinaboy Church
Round Tower Stump at Killinaboy Church

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