Saints and Stones: Reask (Mainistir Riaisc)

There is no record of the early ecclesiastical site at Reask. Excavations in the 1990s revealed the ruins of an oratory, four clochans (stone huts), a graveyard and about ten stone slabs.

A highlight of the site is a beautifully inscribed pillar stone that is almost 5-1/2 feet tall. The stone was decorated in early Christian times (ca. 7th Century) with a Latin cross coupled with bifurcated terminals. The ogham text, set sideways to the cross, reads "DNE" (D(omi)ne O Lord). Standing stones were often decorated by early Christians, primarily to disguise their pagan origins.

About Reask (Mainistir Riaisc)

Megalithic Ireland: Reask Monastic Site
Megalithomania: Reask Monastic Settlement
CISP: Reask
Eccesiastical Ireland: Reask Monastic Site
Wikipedia: Reask

Journey to Reask (Mainistir Riaisc)

Reask is located on a small lane off the R559 about eight miles northwest of the town of Dingle and three-quarters of a mile east of the village of Ballyferriter on the Dingle Peninsula, County Kerry, Ireland.

Map Reference: Q368045

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Dingle Peninsula Tourism website.

Additional Photos of Reask (Mainistir Riaisc)

Road Sign for Reask
Descriptive Sign for Reask
Reask Enclosure Showing Perimeter Wall, Oratory Wall Remains, and Pillar Stone
Reask Pillar Stone
Cross Slab at Entrance to Oratory at Reask
Remains of Oratory at Reask
Entrance to Clochan at Reask
Ruins of Clochan at Reask
Ruins of Clochan at Reask
Conjoined Clochan at Reask
Part of the Remains of Conjoined Clochan at Reask
Cross-Inscribed Stone at Reask

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