Saints and Stones: South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn

The South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn is the northern of a pair of chambered cairns at South Yarrows. The Neolithic era cairn was originally accessed by way of a passage that ran back into the body of the cairn from the center of the concave forecourt.

An Orkney-Cromarty type long, horned cairn with a Camster-type chamber, it is 190 foot (57.9 meters) long and varies from 25-45 (7.6-13.7 mmeters) feet in width. The site has been much robbed and is partly overgrown by peat and heather. The chamber has been re-used and there was a cist, which contained an urn and seventy tiny beads' of a single string jet necklace inserted in the outer compartment.

About the South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn

Britain Express: Yarrows Archaeological Trail
Highland Historic Environment Record: South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn
Canmore: South Yarrows, North

Journey to the South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn

The cairn stands on the crest of a broad, heather-grown ridge that slopes gently down from South to North and falls more steeply to the East and West above the parking lot for the Yarrows Archaeological Trail in Caithness. From Wick, take the A99 heading south. At the sign for Haster, take a right and follow the signs for the Trail.

Streetmap UK NGR ND3049243464.

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn may be found at the Highland Historic Environment Record website. General tourist information for the Caithness area may be found on the Venture North website.

Additional Photos of the South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn

Yarrows Archaeological Trail sign
Descriptive Sign at South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn
Approaching South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn
South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn
South Yarrows North Chambered Cairn

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