Saints and Stones: Barnhouse Stone

The Barnhouse Stone stands in a field roughly midway between the Maeshowe Chambered Cairn and the Stones of Stenness.

Over 10 feet high and almost six feet side to side at its widest point, it is perfectly aligned to the entrance of Maeshowe. During the Midwinter Solstice, when the rays of the sun shine down Maes Howe's passage and into the chamber, they shine perfectly over the top of the Barnhouse Stone.

About the Barnhouse Stone

Orkneyjar: The Barnhouse Stone
Megalithic Portal: Barnhouse Stone
Stone Pages: Barnhouse Stone
Wikipedia: Standing Stones

Journey to the Barnhouse Stone

The Barnhouse Stone is located between the Maeshowe Chambered Cairn and the Stones of Stenness off the Stromess-Kirkwall road (A965) in Mainland, Orkney, Scotland. Going west from Maeshowe, turn right on the first minor road. Park anywhere in the road as there is little traffic on this single lane road. This is as close as you can get to the Barnhouse Stone without trespassing on private land.

Ordnance Survey Map (HY313122)

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found on the Orkneyjar website. General tourist information for Orkney may be found on the Visit Orkney website.

Additional Photos of the Barnhouse Stone

The Barnhouse Stone
Close-Up of the Barnhouse Stone

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