Saints and Stones: Cairnholy

Both of these impressive cairns are located high on the hills above Wigtown Bay.

Cairnholy I is a chambered cairn measuring 141 feet by 33 feet consisting of eight tall stones and a burial chamber and antichamber.

Cairnholy II is also a chambered cairn, less elaborate and smaller than Cairnholy I, measuring 69 feet by 40 feet. It is located a short walk up the hill from Cairnholy I. An impressive, almost 10 foot portal stone marks the entrance.

About Cairnholy

Megalithic Portal: Cairnholy I
Megalithic Portal: Cairnholy II
Stone Pages: Cairnholy I
Stone Pages: Cairnholy II
Undiscovered Scotland: Cairnholy I
Undiscovered Scotland: Cairnholy II
The Modern Antiquarian: Cairnholy I and II
Wikipedia: Chambered Cairn

Journey to Cairnholy I and II

The Cairnholy Chambered Cairns are located off the A75 about 10-11 miles from Newton Stewart, southeast of Creetown near Kirkdale House in Dumfries and Galloway, England. Follow the single track road uphill until you reach the small parking area close to Cairnholy I.

Ordnance Survey Map (NX51785389)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the Cairnholy Chambered Cairns may be found at the Historic Scotland website. General tourist information for the area may be found on the Dumfries and Galloway Tourist Board website.

Additional Photos of Cairnholy

Road Sign for Cairnholy Chambered Cairns
Descriptive Sign for Cairnholy I
Cairnholy I
Cairnholy I
Cairnholy I
Cairnholy I
Descriptive Sign for Cairnholy II
Cairnholy II
Cairnholy II
Cairnholy II

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