Saints and Stones: Cuween Hill

Dated to ca. 3,000 B.C., the Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn overlooks the Bay of Forth.

Entrance to this communal tomb is by a low, narrow passageway. Once inside, the main chamber is fairly spacious. (Historic Scotland provides a flashlight (torch) in a box outside the tomb.) Four smaller chambers branch off from the main interior chamber.

When excavated in the 20th Century, the tomb yielded the remains of eight people and the bones of ox, birds, and dogs. The tomb was used for several generations.

About Cuween Hill

Orkneyjar: The Cuween Hill Cairn
Megalithic Portal: Cuween Hill
Stone Pages: Cuween Hill
Orkneyjar: Orkney's Chambered Tombs
Wikipedia: Chambered Cairn

Journey to Cuween Hill

The Cuween Hill Cairn is on a hill above the town of Finstown on a minor road off the Old Finstown Road on the Mainland, Orkney, Scotland.

Ordnance Survey Map (HY364127)

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found on the Historic Scotland website. General tourist information for Orkney may be found on the Visit Orkney website.

Additional Photos of Cuween Hill

Historic Scotland Sign for Cuween Hill Cairn
Descriptive Sign at Cuween Hill Cairn
Cuween Hill Cairn
Torch Supplied by Historic Scotland
Outside Entrance
Interior Showing Two Smaller Chambers
Interior Showing Smaller Chamber
Walls and Roof
Exit from the Chamber
View of Countryside and Bay of Forth

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