Saints and Stones: Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row

Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row is located in Dartmoor National Park in Devon. The cairn circle is a ring cairn attached to a 1,145 stone foot row (with 157 stones) that is concave as it dips away from the cairn and then rises upward at its west-southwest end.

The ruined cairn within the 36 foot diameter ring is approximately 28 feet across. There are twenty-five small stones forming the circle, averaging a little over 1-1/2 feet in height. There are two flat slabs in the central hollow of the cairn that may be the remains of a cist.

A nine foot terminal stone is located just outside the circle and stands at right-angles to the row. The stones in the row decrease in height away from the pillar, which is estimated to weigh about three tons. At the opposite end of the stone row, at its west-southwest end, is a five foot terminal stone.

About Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row

Megalithic Portal: Down Tor Circle (Hingston Hill Circle)
Megalithic Portal: Down Tor Stone Row (Hingston Hill)
Modern Antiquarian: Down Tor

Journey to Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row

Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row is located in the south central part of Dartmoor National Park in Devon in southwest England. It is approximately a 1-1/2 mile walk east from the northeast end of Burrator Reservoir located off the B3312 east of Dousland. A track heads off from the car park to the southeast, but where it starts there is a footpath sign pointing east to the left. Take this route.

Ordnance Survey Map (SX58686927)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row may be found at the Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks website. General tourist information for Dartmoor National Park may be found at the Discover Dartmoor website. General tourist information for Devon may be found at the Visit Devon website.

Additional Photos of Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row

Approaching Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row
Down Tor Cairn Circle with Stone Row
Central Hollow of Cairn that May Be the Remains of a Cist
Nine Foot Terminal Stone Near Cairn and Start of 157 Stone Row
Looking Back at the Cairn Circle Along the Stone Row
Looking Back at the Cairn Circle Along the Stone Row
Looking Back at the Cairn Circle Along the Stone Row
Five Foot Terminal Stone at the W-SW End of the Stone Row
Leaving Down Tor Cairn Circle and Stone Row
Returning to Burrator Reservoir

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