Saints and Stones: Fortingall Stones

In a field just to the East of the village of Fortingall stand three groups of stones, formerly part of stone circles in the past. Closest to the road are a group of four stones (NE: see first additional photo below) and a group of three stones (SW: second addional photo below). Later excavations have revealed that both of these circles were made up of eight stones. There is also a third set of stones near the river (not shown below).

Lastly, another set of stones are located as you enter the village near a stone wall (see third additional photo below), which may also have been a stone circle.

About the Fortingall Stones

Hazel Tree: The Stone Circles of Fortingall
Ancient Scotland: Fortingall
Modern Antiquarian: Fortingall Stone Circle

Journey to the Fortingall Stones

The Fortingall is a small village near Loch Tay in Perth and Kinross, Scotland. Its nearest sizable neighbors are Aberfeldy and Kenmore in the Glen Lyon area.

Streetmap UK NGR NN7454746927.

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the Fortingall Stones may be found at the Travel Scotland website. General tourist information may be found at Visit Scotland: Perthshire website.

Additional Photos of the Achvarasdal Broch

Set of four NE Fortingall Stones
Set of three SW Fortingall Stones
Set of six stones near the beginning of the village of Fortingall

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