Saints and Stones: Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall (Latin: Vallum Hadriani) was a stone and turf fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of Great Britain to prevent military raids by the tribes of Scotland to the north, to improve economic stability and provide peaceful conditions in the Roman province of Britannia to the south, to define the frontier of the Empire physically, and to separate the unruly Selgovae tribe in the north from the Brigantes in the south and discourage them from uniting. Construction probably started in 122 A.D. and was largely completed within eight years, with soldiers from all three of the occupying Roman legions participating in the work.

The wall was the northern border of the Empire in Britain for most of the Roman Empire's rule, and also the most heavily fortified border in the Empire. A significant portion of the wall still exists, particularly the mid-section, and for much of its length the wall can be followed on foot. In its original completed version, it was 80 miles long.

It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

About Hadrian's Wall

Megalithic Portal: Hadrian's Wall
Wikipedia: Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall Website

Journey to Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall is located northern England and runs from near Carlisle in Cumbria in the west to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in Northumberland in the east.

Map: See map of England for the location of Hadrian's Wall.

Visitors Information

Visitors information and general tourist information for the area may be found at the Hadrian's Wall website and the English Heritage website..

Additional Photos of Hadrian's Wall

World Heritage Site Sign at Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg with Crag Lough in the Distance
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg with Crag Lough in the Distance
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg with Crag Lough in the Distance
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Between Housesteads and Steel Rigg
Stone Steps Near Hadrian's Wall West of Housesteads
Milepost near Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall
Building Blocks at Milepost near Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall
Building Block at Milepost near Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall Near Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Near Steel Rigg
Hadrian's Wall Near Steel Rigg
Close-Up of Hadrian's Wall Near Steel Rigg

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