Saints and Stones: Knowth (Cnobha)

Knowth is a Neolithic passage grave built over 5,000 years ago, probably after the construction of Newgrange and before the construction of Dowth. The largest mound (known as Site 1) is similar in size to Newgrange, surrounded by 17 smaller satellite mounds, is encircled by 127 kerbstones, and has two long passages with entrances on opposite sides.

The passages are independent of each other (they do not meet), and each lead to a burial chamber. The eastern passage leads to a cruciform chamber, not unlike that at Newgrange. It is the longest megalithic passage in Western Europe. At the end of the passage is a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof similar to Newgrange. The western passage ends in an undifferentiated chamber.

Knowth contains more than a third of the total number of examples of megalithic art in all Western Europe. There is a wide variety of motifs found at Knowth, from spirals, lozenges, and serpentiform to crescent shapes.

About Knowth (Cnobha) Knowth
Megalithic Ireland: Knowth Passage Tombs
Irish Antiquities: Knowth Passage Tombs
Megalithic Ireland: Knowth Passage Tombs
Megalithic Portal: Knowth
Wikipedia: Knowth
Wikipedia: Passage Tombs

Journey to Knowth (Cnobha)

Knowth is in County Meath, Ireland near the village of near Slane and the River Boyne between Navan (to the west) and Drogheda (to the east) off the N2. Access to Knowth is by guided tour only. There is no direct access. All tours begin at the Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre, which is 1-1/2 miles west of Donore Village.

Map Reference: N996734

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Knowth may be found at the Heritage Ireland and the Meath Tourism Bru na Boinne websites. General tourist information for the area may be found on the Welcome to Meath Tourism website.

Additional Photos of Knowth (Cnobha)

Entrance Sign at Knowth
Approaching Knowth
Satellite Mound and Main Mound, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstones, Knowth
Standing Stone at Western Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Close-Up of Standing Stone at Western Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Free-Standing Kerbstone Blocking Western Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstones, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Excavated Satellite Tomb, Knowth
Reconstruction of Wooden Henge Near Eastern Entrance, Knowth
Kerbstone at Eastern Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Quartz Rock at Eastern Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Entering Eastern Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Entering Eastern Entrance to Main Mound, Knowth
Inside Eastern Passage Tomb, Knowth
Leaving Eastern Passage of Main Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
View Inside Satellite Mound, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstones, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Close-Up of aMain Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Main Mound Kerbstone, Knowth
Excavated Satellite Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
Satellite Mound, Knowth
Entrance to Satellite Mound, Knowth
Newgrange from the Top of the Main Mound of Knowth

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