Saints and Stones: Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monument located near Amesbury in Wiltshire, about eight miles north of Salisbury. It is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones and is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world.

Archaeologists think that the standing stones were erected around 3200 BC and the surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC.

The first stage of Stonehenge dates to about 5,050 years ago. It comprised a wooden post circle surrounded by a deep ditch and bank. Then about 4,500 years ago in 2,500 BC, it was rebuilt in stone with bluestones from the Preselli Mountains in Pembrokeshire, Wales.Before the second phase of Stonehenge was complete, work stopped and there was a period of abandonment. Then began a new bigger Stonehenge, the one that we know today- this was approximately 4,300 years ago, about 2,300 BC, the third and final stage of what we see now.

Today's Stonehenge is about half of the original monument, as some of the stones have fallen down, others have been carried away to be used for building or to repair farm tracks, and over centuries visitors have added their damage, too.

About Stonehenge

Megalithic Portal: Stonehenge
The Modern Antiquarian: Stonehenge
Stone Pages: Stonehenge
Wikipedia: Stonehenge
Wikipedia: Stone Circle
Wikipedia: Henge

Journey to Stonehenge

Stonehenge Stone Circle is off the A344, which is off of the A303, in Wiltshire north of Salisbury in southern England.

Ordnance Survey Map (SU1214842251)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Stonehenge Stone Circle may be found at the English Heritage website. General tourist information for the area may be found on the Visit Wiltshire website.

Additional Photos of Stonehenge

Stonehenge Stone Circle
Stonehenge Stone Circle
Stonehenge Stone Circle
Stonehenge Stone Circle
Stonehenge Stone Circle
Close-Up of Stonehenge Stone Circle
Close-Up of Stonehenge Stone Circle
Close-Up of Stonehenge Stone Circle
Burial Mound Near Stonehenge
Stonehenge Stone Circle

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