Saints and Stones: Loch of Wasbister Crannogs

In Loch Wasbister, there are two crannogs, artificial or natural islands found in Scotland and Ireland that were used for settlements during the Iron Age.

According to the "Around Rousay" website: One of these islands is called Burrian. It is man-made, or artificial. The other, which has a similar structure, yet is at the edge of the loch, is Brettaness, which during a 1974 excavation indicated evidence it of being inhabited during Pictish times. It is the more southerly crannog with a small neck of land attaching it to the shore.

About the Loch of Wasbister Crannogs

Megalithic Portal: Wasbister
Around Rousay: Wasbister Loch
Wikipedia: Crannog
Undiscovered Scotland: Rousay
Journey to the Loch of Wasbister Crannogs

The Loch of Wasbister Crannogs are located near the settlement of Wasbister in Loch Wasbister off the B9064 road in the northwest part of the Island of Rousay, which is accessible by ferry from Tingwall on the West Mainland of Orkney.

Ordnance Survey Map (HY395334)

Visitors Information

Visitors information and general tourist information for Rousay may be found on the Rousay: The Egypt of the North website.

Additional Photo of the Loch of Wasbister Crannogs

Approaching the Loch of Wasbister Crannogs
Approaching Burrian, Loch of Wasbister Crannog
Closer View of Burrian, Loch of Wasbister Crannog
Approaching Brettaness, Loch of Wasbister Crannog
Closer View of Brettaness, Loch of Wasbister Crannog

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