Saints and Stones: Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow

Wayland's Smithy is a Neolithic chambered long barrow that was built in two different periods: a timber chambered oval barrow built around 3700 B.C. and the second stone chambered long barrow in around 3400 B.C. The first mound and its ditches are not visible now, having been covered by the long barrow.

The current structure is approximately 200 feet in length and from 20 to 50 feet in width. There ae four large slabs at the south end of the barrow, which are 10 feet in height and flank the entrance of a tomb formed by a 21 foot long passage with one chamber at either side of it.

About Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow

Megalithic Portal: Wayland's Smithy
Modern Antiquarian: Wayland's Smithy
Stone Pages: Wayland's Smithy
Wikipedia: Wayland's Smithy
Wikipedia: Long Barrow

Journey to Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow

The Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow is located near the village of Ashbury in Oxfordshire. It may be accessed in a variety of ways, the most popular being walking to the site on the Ridgeway. The shortest way seems to be from the B4507. Drive down Knighton Hill Road to where is crosses the Ridgeway, park, and then walk west along the Ridgeway to the site.

Streetmap UK (NGR SU281854)

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow may be found at the English Heritage website. For general tourism information for Oxfordshire, see the Oxfordshire Tourist Guide website.

Additional Photos of Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow

Sign for the Ridgeway Leading to Path to Wayland's Smithy
The Ridgeway Leading Path to Wayland's Smithy Wayland's Smithy
Path Sign for Wayland's Smithy
Path from Ridgeway to Wayland's Smithy
Descriptive Sign for Wayland's Smithy
Approaching Wayland's Smithy
Front View of Wayland's Smithy
Close-Up of Front of Wayland's Smithy
Close-Up of Front of Wayland's Smithy
Interior of Wayland's Smithy
Interior of Wayland's Smithy
Detail of Front Construction of Wayland's Smithy
Side View of Wayland's Smithy
Rear View of Wayland's Smithy

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